

PHY Set Chanspec (u16 chanspec)

  1. Set prev_channel to chanspec & 0x00FF

  2. If this is a N PHY
    1. Call N PHY Set Chanspec with chanspec as the argument

  3. Else if this is an LP PHY
    1. Call LP PHY Set Chanspec with chanspec as argument

  4. Else if this is an SSLPN PHY
    1. Call SSLPN PHY Set Chanspec with chanspec as argument

    2. Call SSLPN PHY Set Chanspec Tweaks with radio_chanspec as argument

    3. If PHY Revision is 1
      1. Call SSLPN PHY Cm RX ACI Gain Table Tweaks

    4. Call SSLPN PHY AGC Temp Init

    5. If chanspec indicates 40 MHz band width
      1. Write an LP PHY Table with ID 0xB, length 10, offset 0, width 32, and data from fltr_ctrl_tbl_40Mhz
    6. Maskset PHY Register 0x734 with mask 0xFF00 and set with 0x00FA
  5. Otherwise
    1. Call ABG PHY Set Chanspec with chanspec as the argument (Note: a/b/g/PHY code does not use the chanspec form)

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