


Parameter struct sk_buff *p0

TODO: add workaround for switch DEVID53115

  1. if package length > ETHER_MAX_LEN + 32

    1. return false // error case
  2. if package length < GMAC_MIN_FRAMESIZE && corerev == 0

    1. call _ _skb_trim with GMAC_MIN_FRAMESIZE
  3. if qos is activated
    1. call etc_up2tc with package priority and write the result into queue

  4. else
    1. set queue to 0
  5. if (txframes[queue] and txrec_thresh ) equal 1
    1. call dma_txreclaim with dma[queue] and HNDDMA_RANGE_TRANSMITTED
  6. call dma_txfast with dma[queue], p0 and true
  7. handle error of last call
  8. increase txframes[queue] by one
  9. set package length back to original length
  10. return true

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