

PMU Resource Init

struct pmu_res_updown { u8 resnum; u16 updown; };

struct pmu_res_depend { u32 res_mask; s8 action; u32 depend_mask; bool (*filter_routine)();};

  1. Initialize a struct pmu_res_updown pointer to NULL
  2. Initialize a struct pmu_res_depend pointer to NULL
  3. Initialize a u16 updown_size to 0
  4. Initialize a u16 depend_size to 0
  5. Initialize u32 variables min_mask and max_mask to 0
  6. If bit 0x10000000 is not set in chipcommon capabilities
    1. Return
  7. Save current core index and switch to chipcommon
  8. If Chip ID is 0x4328
    1. Set pmu_res_updown pointer to bcm4328a0_res_updown table (below)
    2. Set pmu_res_depend pointer to bcm4328a0_res_depend table
    3. Set updown_size to size of bcm4328a0_res_updown table
    4. Set depend_size to size of bcm4328a0_res_depend table
  9. Else if Chip ID is 0x4325
    1. Set pmu_res_updown pointer to bcm4325a0_res_updown table (below)
    2. Set pmu_res_depend pointer to bcm4325a0_res_depend table
    3. Set updown_size to size of bcm4325a0_res_updown table
    4. Set depend_size to size of bcm4325a0_res_depend table
  10. Set rscrs to (PMU capabilities & 0x1F00) right shifted by 8

  11. While updown_size is > 0

    1. Decrement updown_size
    2. Write pmu_res_updown[updown_size].resnum to MMIO register 0x620
    3. Write pmu_res_updown[updown_size].updown to MMIO register 0x628
  12. Loop rscrs times with loop index i
    1. If nvram has no variable rNt, where N is the value of i - TODO: How are these determined?
      1. Continue
    2. Write i to MMIO register 0x620
    3. Get the value of the nvram variable and write to MMIO register 0x628
  13. While depend_size is > 0

    1. Decrement depend_size
    2. If pmu_res_depend[depend_size].filter is not NULL and pmu_res_depend[depend_size].filter() is zero
      1. Continue
    3. Loop rscrs times with loop index i
      1. If pmu_res_depend[depend_size].res_mask & (1 << i) is zero

        1. Continue
      2. Write i to MMIO register 0x620
      3. If pmu_res_depend[depend_size].action is 0
        1. Write pmu_res_depend[depend_size].depend_mask to MMIO register 0x624
      4. Else if pmu_res_depend[depend_size].action is 1
        1. Set pmu_res_depend[depend_size].depend_mask in MMIO register 0x624
      5. Else if pmu_res_depend[depend_size].action is -1
        1. Clear pmu_res_depend[depend_size].depend_mask in MMIO register 0x624
      6. Otherwise
        1. Warn on invalid value
  14. Loop rscrs times with loop index i
    1. If nvram has no variable rNd, where N is the value of i - TODO: How are these determined?
      1. Continue
    2. Write i to MMIO register 0x620
    3. Get the value of the nvram variable and write to MMIO register 0x628
  15. Call PMU Resource Masks with &min_mask, &max_mask as arguments

  16. If min_mask is not zero
    1. Write min_mask to MMIO register 0x618
  17. If max_mask is not zero
    1. Write max_mask to MMIO register 0x61C
  18. Restore original core

struct pmu_res_updown bcm4328a0_res_updown

struct pmu_res_updown bcm4325a0_res_updown

struct pmu_res_updown bcm4328a0_res_depend

struct pmu_res_updown bcm4325a0_res_depend

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