

u16 PMU Fast Powerup Delay

  1. Set delay to 15000
  2. Save the current core index
  3. Set current core to chipcommon
  4. If chip id is 0x4312, 0x4322, or 0x4328
    1. Set delay to 7000
  5. Else if chip id is 0x4325
    1. Set u32 tmp1 to the output of ILP Clock

    2. Set u32 tmp2 to the output of PMU Res Uptime with 21 as argument

    3. Set delay to (tmp2 + 2) * ((1,000,000 + tmp1 - 1)) / tmp1)
  6. Restore original core
  7. Return delay

Exported/Archived from the wiki to HTML on 2016-10-27