

N PHY Load Sample Table (struct cint32 *buffer, u16 numb)

Struct cint32 {int q; int i;}

  1. Establish a u32 pointer data
  2. Allocate numb entries in data
  3. If phyhang_avoid

    1. Call N PHY Stay in Carrier Search with argument 1

  4. Loop numb times with index i
    1. Seta data[i] to ((buffer[i].i & 0x3FF) << 10) | ((buffer[i].q) & 0x3FF)

  5. Write an N PHY Table with ID 17, length numb, offset 0, width 32, and data pointer data
  6. Free data
  7. If phyhang_avoid

    1. Call N PHY Stay in Carrier Search with argument 0

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